Our food pantry serves over 16,835 individuals in Dearborn and Ohio Counties in Indiana. This service includes groceries one time a month, more in an emergency, and lunches everyday we are open. This would not happen without our 100 volunteers and those who donate.
Our Mobile Pantry serves Dearborn, and Ohio Counties in Indiana. We deliver to low income housing that have been scheduled in advance.
For more information please contact Lynn Williamson at lynn@dearbornclearinghouse.com.
Our Sacks of Snacks program serves Seven Dearborn County Schools. We bag a weekly bag of food that goes to children who have food insecurities. This program was started because children were digging through the school dumpsters to take food home for the weekend.
We provide a backpack filled with toiletries, food and basic needs to those who are homeless. This is something to help them until they can help theirselves. We also work closely with the local homeless shelter, Heart House.
We provide Senior Boxes to those with food insecurities who are over 60. This program is funded through the state of Indiana.
Upon availability we provide a holiday meal kit for those who need it for the holidays.
We work closely with other agencies to refer clients to them when we are unable to meet the clients needs.
We also provide food for the following satellite Pantries:
Lawrenceburg High School
Aurora High School
Adult Center
Blessing Boxes
Ivy Tech Community College
Lawrenceburg Adult Center
Lawrenceburg Community Center
Several Small Pantries